Pollinators in the Agriculture Landscape
Speaker: Graham Parsons, Government of Saskatchewan (Ministry of Agriculture), Pollinator Biosecurity Specialist
We will explore what a pollinator is, different pollinators, and how and why they pollinate and their effect on crop yield and quality. Pollinator ecology and biology along with pollinator habitat requirements will be detailed. Recommendations to producers on how they can help pollinators work for them on their farm including pesticide and vegetation management will help producers make better decisions for improved pollination on their farm.
About the Speaker
Graham Parsons has worked for Sask Agriculture since 2016 and is currently their Pollinator Biosecurity Specialist. In this role he works with honey beekeepers on disease and pest management and regulation as well as support of the leafcutting beekeeping industry. He also works with bumble bees and wild bees as well to support their role in agriculture. Much of his work focuses on pollinator habitat and altering farm practice to benefit pollinators that can benefit crop production. Pollinator recommendations for crop production are also part of his work. Graham is a professional Agrologist and has a Masters in Entomology from the University of Manitoba, and Bachelors in Renewable Resource Management from University of Regina. Graham previously did research for the Saskatchewan Beekeepers Development Commission and has spent years of his life beekeeping. He currently lives in just north of Prince Albert with his wife and two kids.